C2C Safety Story
- by Benjamin Davidson

Please tell us how you came to offer hand sanitiser in the Port Macquarie region?
COVID 19 changed life for everyone and social distancing, like many people, has wiped out our major revenue sources from sports apparel for community and school sport and licensed event merchandise.
We were looking at lots of avenues to join the fight against this life threatening pandemic and at the same time be agile in our business and keep our staff employed so we decided to start a safety division of Coast 2 Coast Sports (C2C).
We researched products like face masks and Hazmat suits with our extensive overseas and local supply channels to source and manufacture these products and we could luckily get the Australian made bulk TGA compliant ethanol based hand sanitiser product for local bottling.
Have you had any challenges with the sanitiser?
Plenty! Demand globally, has outstripped supply for hand wash and sanitiser and we couldn't find any suppliers with reliable bottle stock or dispenser pumps.
The Aus government and major manufacturers were and still are rightfully prioritising health care and front line workers safety first. Major retailers have also pivoted back to Australian made adding more local demand as well.
It's been extremely difficult to source trusted, reasonable and suitable overseas and local suppliers of bottles and dispensers.
The Australian government in late March, changed the hand rub sanitiser formulation and lots of product that was compliant was rendered non compliant overnight, so we had to ensure the product was upto specification.
The global demand is unprecedented causing over inflated pricing, profiteering and there is just absolute disruption to supply chains and logistics globally.
Global freight costs with the disruption to aviation have gone through the roof too.
Sustainable local distribution to get to the people who need it in our region is also a challenge as so many businesses have operating challenges.
How did you overcome these challenges?
We stopped looking overseas and focussed on local trusted sourcing options and knew we had to be creative on how we could bottle and distribute the product.
Bottling at Cassegrains in Port Macquarie
We have worked with John and Alex Cassegrain and the team at Cassegrain wines in the past exporting wine and knew they had a very professional bottling facility. Alex recommended glass as an Australian made option, which they could package and label economically for us, like they do everyday.
Distribution by DONE (Doppio Or Nothing Espresso) in Port Macquarie
Sustainable and reliable local distribution is a passion of Stewy Clarke and the team from Doppio Or Nothing Espresso (DONE). Being a local distributor DONE knew there was a need for sanitiser at schools and businesses locally. There is always an appetite for local, ethical and closed loop supply and Stewy committed to adding the bottles to his milk bottle collection and recycling program from cafes.
What is next for the C2C Safety Division?
We will continue to roll out additional safety products and pursue local manufacturing, because local jobs are needed right now and for generations to come.
The need for safety products including, sanitiser and personal protective equipment is here to stay until there is a vaccine or herd immunity.
Do you have any additional points?
Keep a hold of your dispensers and spray bottles and reuse them. We are going to be washing and sanitising our hands for a very long time to come for the safety of everyone and recycling and reuse just makes sense and costs less.
Australian made product, bottled and sold in Port Macquarie
Bottled in Port Macquarie by Cassegrains for C2C Safety
DONE Coffee can collect from participating milk bottle recycling outlets and we will reuse the bottles.
Available At:
Coast 2 Coast Sports - www.c2csport.com.au Telephone: 02 6581 1558
Doppio or Nothing - www.done.coffee Mobile: 0401767071
We deliver locally for 2444 postcode. $5 delivery applies within Port Macquarie or free pick up from C2C warehouse.
Pricing Information
750ml @ $33 inc GST + freight
Buy 12 and get $2.75 OFF each
Buy 60 and get $5.50 OFF each
1000 Litre ICBC $17500 + GST + freight
Media Contact:
Ben Davidson, 0438 375 986, sales@c2csport.com